2024-2025 Academic Year Dance Classes

Weekly dance classes for the 2024-25 Academic Year that runs September 3, 2024 – May 23, 2025.
Additional, shorter session classes may also be added throughout the year.

CBA offers classes in 3 locations!

Scroll down to see all locations or click on the buttons below to view each location individually.

29North Location & Schedule:

Downtown Locations & Schedule:

Please scroll down to check on space availability and to enroll.

Registration Instructions:

  • Use the tables below to register for your desired dance class.
  • The tuition amount listed next to each Academic Year class is a monthly fee.
  • The tuition amount listed next to any Short Session class is the tuition fee for the full session.
  • There is a $20 annual registration fee assessed for the first student per family (includes adults/drop-ins), $10 for each additional student per family. Registration fees are charged once per academic year.

Returning CBA students may use the customer portal to register.
New student? We’d love to dance with you! Please email [email protected] for questions about class levels and curriculum.

Academy Information: Class Descriptions | Dress Code | Tuition | Financial Assistance | Policies | Calendar | FAQ
Register by Division: First Steps (1.5-5) | Children’s (5-10) | Student (10-18) | By Placement Only | Adult Division | CB Moves
On this Page: Adaptive Students | By Placement Division Ballet Requirements | Concerned about dropping?
Additional questions? Please email us at [email protected] or call either CBA location!


29North Location: Academic Year | First Steps Division – Ages 1.5-5

29North Location: 1885 Seminole Trail

Downtown at IX Location: Academic Year | First Steps Division – Ages 1.5-5

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

Scottsville Location: Academic Year | First Steps Division – Ages 1.5-5

SCAN: 401 Valley St, Scottsville

29North Location: Academic Year | Children’s Division – Ages 5-10

29North Location: 1885 Seminole Trail

Downtown at IX Location: Academic Year | Children’s Division – Ages 5-10

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

Scottsville Location: Academic Year | Children’s Division – Ages 5-10

SCAN: 401 Valley St, Scottsville

29North Location: Academic Year | Student Division – Ages 10-18

29North Location: 1885 Seminole Trail

Downtown at IX Location: Academic Year | Student Division – Ages 10-18

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

29North Location: Academic Year | By Placement Division

Level evaluation is required for these classes. Many classes in this division are required multiple times per week. Please scroll down to review ballet requirements.
If you are a new student or do not know your level, please contact us at [email protected] before registering in a By Placement class.

29North Location: 1885 Seminole Trail

Downtown at IX Location: Academic Year | By Placement Division

Level evaluation is required for these classes. Many classes in this division are required multiple times per week. Please scroll down to review ballet requirements.
If you are a new student or do not know your level, please contact us at [email protected] before registering in a By Placement class.

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

29North Location: Academic Year | Adult Division

29North Location: 1885 Seminole Trail

Downtown at IX Location: Academic Year | Adult Division

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

Scottsville Location: Academic Year | Adult Division

SCAN: 401 Valley St, Scottsville

Drop-In Classes for Adults

Drop-in classes are allowed if space is available for Adult Division classes only. Please call the studio or email [email protected] prior to class to check on space availability.

Downtown at IX Location: CB Moves Division

Downtown Location: IX Art Park at 949 Second Street SE

All CB Moves classes are FREE of charge. Adaptive classes are for children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. A parent or caregiver is welcome to take the class with the student. Only the student needs to be registered. Click here for more information.

Adaptive Students

We also welcome any child with a disability who feels comfortable in a more academic dance class setting, without an assistant or caregiver, to join in any of our First Steps, Children’s Division, or Student Division classes. We recognize that no child learns the same; everyone has unique and diverse needs that deserve to be celebrated and included.

For any class suggestions, to request accommodations (like a class assistant or buddy for your child), or for any other request you would like to make for your child to be successful in their classes at CBA this year (ex. visual schedules, stim toys, time or space to decompress), please email CBA Principal Heather Rogers at [email protected].

By Placement Division | Ballet Class Requirements

Ballet LevelRequired Spring Performance Performing Class
Boys Ballet 1 | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Tuesday 4:30-5:30PM (Downtown)
Ballet 1A | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Tuesday 4:15-5:15PM (Downtown)
or Tuesday 5:00-6:00PM (29North)
Ballet 1B | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Tuesday 4:00-5:00PM (Downtown)
or Tuesday 5:00-6:00PM (29North)
Ballet 1C | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Wednesday 4:00-5:00PM (29North), Thursday 4:15-5:15PM (Downtown), or Thursday 7:00-8:00PM (Downtown)
Ballet 1D | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Wednesday 6:15-7:15PM (29North), Thursday 4:00-5:00PM (Downtown), or Thursday 7:00-8:00PM (Downtown)
Ballet 2A | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Monday 5:30-7:00PM (29North) or
Thursday 5:00-6:30PM (Downtown)
Ballet 2B | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required.Choose 1: Tuesday 6:15-7:45PM (29North) or
Thursday 5:00-6:30PM (Downtown)
Ballet 3A | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required. 3 classes per week is preferred.Monday 6:30-8:00PM (29North)
Ballet 3B | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required. 3 classes per week is preferred.Thursday 6:15-7:45PM (29North)
Ballet 4A/B | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required. 3 classes per week is preferred.Thursday 6:15-7:45PM (29North)
Ballet 5 | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required. 3 or 4 classes per week is preferred.Monday 5:00-6:30PM (Downtown)
Pointe | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required in addition to one of these classes.Pointe classes do not perform.
Partnering | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required in addition to one of these classes.Partnering classes will perform in addition to the student’s ballet class.
Variations | A minimum of 2 ballet classes per week is required in addition to this class.Variations classes will perform in addition to the student’s ballet class.
Contemporary 3 & Jazz 3 | No ballet class is required in addition to one of these classes, but it is strongly recommended.Contemporary 3 & Jazz 3 classes will perform.
Contemporary 4/5, Jazz 4/5, & Modern 4/5 | A minimum of 1 ballet class per week is required in addition to one of these classes.Contemporary 4/5, Jazz 4/5, & Modern 4/5 classes will perform.

CBA Academic Year 2024-25 Calendar

September 3Classes Begin
October 31Halloween – NO CBA Classes
November 1Costume Rental Fees Assessed (Children’s Division +)
November 13NO SCAN Classes
November 26 – January 5CBA Thanksgiving & Winter Break – NO CBA Classes
December 15Last day to enroll/transfer/drop classes (Children’s Division +)
January 6CBA Classes Resume
January 20Martin Luther King Jr. Day – NO CBA Classes
March 1Spring Performance Fees Assessed (Children’s Division +)
March 1Last day to enroll/transfer/drop classes (First Steps Division only)
March 31 – April 5CBA Spring Break – NO CBA Classes
April 23NO SCAN Classes
May 10First Steps Division Showcase
May 23Last Day of CBA Academic Year Classes
May 14 & 27-29CBA Spring Performance Dress Rehearsals (Children’s Division +)
May 30, May 31, & June 1CBA Spring Performance (Children’s Division +)

Concerned about the possibility of needing to drop a class?

CBA has a flexible drop policy. No refunds are made on any fees already charged, but if you notify Finance Manager, Ali Brent at [email protected] that you want to drop a class, we will discontinue any further charges to your account. Tuition is charged on the first of each month—if you must drop a class, notify us by the end of the month to avoid the next month’s tuition fee.

Drop Deadlines:
Children’s Division, Student Division, By Placement Division | December 15 is the last day to drop, transfer or enroll in classes.
First Steps Division | March 1 is the last day to drop, transfer or enroll in classes.

CBA Policies

Health and safety is our top priority. Please review CBA’s arrival & dismissal policy, parent observation policy, sick policy, and more at the link below.

  • For your convenience, CBA uses monthly billing that automatically drafts from your credit card on file. A credit card is required upon registering; the first month’s tuition will be charged at the time of enrollment along with registration fees. 
  • The Registration Fee is assessed at the time of registration. $20 is charged for the first student per family (including adults), and $10 is charged for each additional student per family. Registration fees are charged once per academic year.
  • Tuition is charged automatically on the first of every month for that same month’s tuition. *September tuition is charged upon enrollment. October tuition is charged on October 1, etc. No tuition is charged in December due to Winter Break.
    • Please note that you will NOT receive an invoice each month.
    • The credit card on file is charged if another form of payment (cash, check, or alternate credit card) is not received by the tuition due date.
    • Any declined cards will carry a fee of $10 and any returned checks will carry a fee of $25.
  • All students register for the full academic year at CBA (September-May). Notice of dropping a class must be emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] before the end of the month or the card on file is charged without refund on the first of the month.
  • A Costume Rental fee of $35 is assessed for each performing class for Children’s Division and Up (due November 1).
  • A Spring Performance fee of $50 per student ($25 per sibling) is assessed for each student at CBA that participates in the Spring Performance for Children’s Division and Up (due March 1).  Tickets are FREE for the performances.


As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Charlottesville Ballet is dedicated to providing dance training to students and families from all backgrounds. Financial assistance is available for all families that qualify, with distribution determined by the amount of financial resources available for the current season.